Sunday, September 18, 2011

Poetry as rust

A steady drip of words over the years
erodes steel walls around each heart,
exposing yearnings shared,
and as our differences flake away,
we find the walls between us
growing thin; this budding sense of unity.
Poetry -- the road not taken,
the cricket's wild and precious life --
like rust, peels back the walls,
speaks each to each,
from heart to heart until all hearts,
stripped down to nubs,
might beat as One.

This poem was inspired by this week's Random Acts of Poetry, which takes as its prompt the word "rust". 

Anyone may participate in RAP. Read "Rust, Corrosion and Chrome: A Random Acts of Poetry Prompt" at TweetSpeakPoetry and then post your contribution on the T.S. Poetry Press Facebook Wall by Wednesday, September 21. 

If you're a photographer and want to participate in the related PhotoPlay challenge, read "Photography and Poetry as Rust" at The High Calling and follow the directions for posting your image(s) to the High Calling Focus Flickr Group. PhotoPlay's deadline is the same, September 21.

All submissions to RAP and PhotoPlay will be listed at The High Calling on Friday, September 23.


Maureen said...

So pleased you participated!

Megan Willome said...

Nice! Such a good prompt, don't you think?