at the heart
of this whirling dervish,
and spinning
in a world of their own,
lie Grace,
and Peace,
entwined in Joy,
wrapped in a rapture
of color and light
and dreaming
into being
a time in which ending
and beginning
are One.
This poem is a belated response to the Tuesday, May 4, Blog Carnival sponsored by Bridget Chumbley at One Word at a Time. The key word is Joy...
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Hmmmm...in your con.photog blog I saw a warrior woman in armor, in this I see her shield.
Funny how the events in our own lives influence what we see. I am preparing for battle and so I see strength and defensive weaponry. Wow.
Diane, the pic and poem are lovely. Thanks so much for this post.
This poem is right on time. Thank you for sharing it.
Coming late to see this. I like a lot what you did with this image.
Beautiful composite of poetry and photo and craft item. Very well presented.
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