Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Monsters at the door

Though Halloween
has come and gone,
the monsters linger at the door;
the witch of worry
flutters still
beside the kitchen window;
the skeleton
of bare bones budgeting
flaps lightly in the wind.
Some part of me is quivering
at the winter still to come,
but the moonlight poured
through my window last night,
the sun is dusting
the mountains with morning blush,
and the ducks are laughing
in the lagoon.
And so I lay my fears aside
and revel
in the sweet, salt-scented air.

* * *


Maureen said...

This is wonderful, Diane. I especially like "the moonlight poured / through my window last night, / the sun is dusting / the mountains with morning blush": lovely imagery.

Diane Walker said...

Thanks so much, Maureen -- but perhaps we should both thank God (or Mother Nature) for giving me such beautiful mountains and moon this morning!)