Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day breaks, and there are fields

Day breaks, and there are fields
to plow, or plant, or mow,
but first let's sit together
at this table;
let's feel the morning sun
as it pours in, and drink
these sweet liquid reflections;
let's breathe the scent of earth
through opened windows
and listen for the swallow
as she feeds the babies in her nest:
rest here, in preparation for the day.

I offer this poem for today's One Word Blog Carnival whose one-word prompt is "farm". The carnival is hosted by Peter Pollock.


HisFireFly said...

Love. This.

The early morning quiet moments of preparation.. whatever you may be seeding..

a joyful noise said...

Such a sweet post! Getting ready and also tending to the family! Family is our ground and good planting will produce a Godly harvest.

Maureen said...

Lovely contribution to the Blog Carnival, Diane.

Anonymous said...

rest and listen
good message.
nice photo work.