Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Heart's resonance

and the crowds have disappeared;
I have this blessed mystery
all to myself
and stand
watching light and shadow
playing on the graceful curves,
dancing in the silence;
glowing in the stillness.
The chambers of my heart
recognize a kindred spirit
in the arches
soaring overhead
and open,
blooming in the peaceful resonance;
love sounds its bell
deep within
and echoes of its tolling
radiate through hungry limbs.

* * *


Maureen said...

This instills serenity. Lovely.

Susannah said...

Just so beautiful!... both the photo and your words. :-)

I am glad to have found your blog and I shall be back to explore more.

Diane Walker said...

Thank you both for your kind words; my heart is especially full today.