hidden behind this gate,
you are still known for gentleness and love.
The colors there are softer,
the accents more refined,
and I so long to visit there --
but this gate's been stuck for decades;
I can only peer through the words
and wish I were a child again,
walking hand in hand with you,
in that time before I came to know
the difference --
or perhaps it was indifference --
between the man I thought you were
and who he came to be...
I wish I could say "Vive la Difference!"
but we both know it's nothing
I will ever want to celebrate,
and so I skip that first line
every time I say the prayer.
This poem was written both for the One Word at a Time Blog Carnival (this month's word is Gentleness) and for the Carry on Tuesday prompt, which, this week, was "Vive La Difference!"
* * *
A slightly intrimidating, "dark secret" imbues this poem with an almost Gothic eeriness! fascinating!
The contrast of what's inside and what's outside the gate -- a powerful metaphor. And a powerful poem.
Still catching my breath on this one. . .
Great integration of the two prompts.
So much said so succinctly - that is truly amazing.
"Peering through words" ~ I felt like I was behind bars with you. Evoked empathy.
So much emotion. Beautifully written. Thank you, Diane.
Lots of emotion portrayed through this post. Very well written!
I love the raw emotion of this poem.
Thanks for sharing.
Old Grizz was mezmerized with this poem. I found it haunting but somewhat confusing. I think that is OK because any poetry that I have come to really like has taken some thought. This is very well written. I have come to the conclusion that the man behind the gate is your father.
Diane, as with all your writing, thought-provoking, evocative and beautiful.
The imagery is harsh and stunning all in one.
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