Sunday, August 2, 2009

One for the Road

When traveling through the desert,
over land so bleak and dry,
when your throat is parched
with an unhealable thirst
and the road never touches the sky,
do you count the poles
or the birds on the wires
or the potholes that lurk on the way,
looking forward to your journey's end,
to what waits at the close of the day?

Or do you revel in the heat
and the rush of the wind;
feel the open space resounding in your heart;
bonding with strangers and drinking in landscapes,
trusting each moment to feed you as needed?

Relish your freedom --
the dust and the dirt,
the thunder and lightning
and the rain when it falls --
Rejoice in the mountains and exult in the plains,
content to be traveling wherever you are.

Just revel in the heat
and the rush of the wind;
feel the space resounding in your heart;
bonding with strangers and drinking in landscapes,
trusting each moment,
trusting each moment,
trusting each moment
to nourish your heart.

* * *

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