Monday, February 26, 2018


I can feel it in my shoulders
and my throat, as a reluctance to accept
the change you're so determined
to implement with no input from me.
Did you ask any of the folks
whose livelihood is impacted
by every choice you make
what they think of these decisions,
or did you -- as you often do --
assume that you've more wisdom
re such things?
And is it wrong for me to think
that inviting folks to make their own
copies of our work is an insult to our craft?
I'm totally in favor
of helping them discover their creative juices' flow,
but having already been pushed out
of one mode of expression by a changing technology,
I'm reluctant to become a commodity in another.
And that name -- does it convey
a collection of mature and valuable acquisitions,
or a room full of children wielding crayons and tempera;
amateurs struggling to release their creative inhibitions?

And that color.
I am sorry, but how could you?
And yet, through all of this, I question --
is this just me, feeling grumpy, hating change?
Just so you know, that's not usually my style...

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