Thursday, February 18, 2010

When Light Disturbs

Throughout our long
-- and now unseasonably warm --
we've rarely seen the sun.
And so today,
when it rose bright and low
we were forced to drop the shades.
To protect ourselves from the light,
we lost our beautiful view --
of bottles, and beyond the bottles,
the dune grass, and beyond the dune grass
the lagoon, and beyond the lagoon,
the houses and Puget Sound, and beyond the Sound,
the mountains, and beyond the mountains,
a cloud-free sky of blue,
and then, of course, the sun.
What other beauties
lie hidden from our eyes
when we draw internal shades
so that we can continue our ordinary days
undisturbed by The Light?

* * *

1 comment:

Maureen said...

I like this poem very much, its rhythm and the repeating use of "beyond" especially. The picture nouns. Lovely.